I am sure many of you are aware of this issue, but I want to post it anyway if can save even one of your motors. If you install an aftermarket intake on this motor, do NOT use the front and rear s-gaskets..! Use black RTV silicone seal instead of these two end gaskets... my manufacturer used the gaskets and during our complete inspection at the local tranny shop I drained my
oil while changing to a front mounted fan cooled perma-cool
oil cooler, a quarter cup of coolant came out the pan first !
(as a side note, these are great guys, my car is the celebrity of the shop, stored up on the lift)
Well, I cut open the
oil filter and to my relief there was only a very small amount of fine ferrous dust, from rings/valve springs, etc... so she seems OK and the problem will soon be solved. Providence made me take her in for this hydraulic clutch repair/modification just in time it seems. If you have the full gaskets in there, IMMEDIATELY go loosen your drain plug and see if any WATER/COOLANT comes out. Whether or not it does, immediately change your gasket system. Be very concerned if any coolant comes out.. cut open your filter and carefully inspect it. I went with the Fel-Pro #1231 gasket for my 514, per Ford performance and Edelbrock (I have a Torker 2) She should be back on the road next week, hopefully in time to go to Oktoberfest here
James Madison, father of the Constitution, said, "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." He also said, "No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare..."