Yes, that's the exact procedure recommended by everyone i have consulted so far.. toss the end pieces and use black RTV silicone intead on each end.
The tranny was almost dry again whe they checked it.. although it must have occured recently, we believe. This may be a tranny with a defective front retainer seal or the split case may be leaking, as per a recent thread here on the club. We are testing it with dextron to determine where it leaks...the bellhousing had a quart of tranny fluid in it so it's up front. We (the tranny boys and I) are going to fix it all before re-install of course. They are great guys and are letting me use their shop to do other work, like my new
oil cooler install. I made a custom aircraft aluminum bracket to mount it up front of the radiator. They also discovered that the bottom two "thru" bolts that hold the "radimatator" on were GONE.. fell out in less than 3k miles.. We are replacing them with the nylon versions. This was likely part of why I had overheating problems around town...... and the front right tie rod is loose or broken, so I have to get that fixed asap...
James Madison, father of the Constitution, said, "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." He also said, "No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare..."