Oil"... hurrumpff, child's play! Let's spend 5-6 hours sometime and I'll walk you through the intricacies of MLM... I'm a published author on the subject.
CSX 1999 is what would have happened had Donald not been on the toi-toi.
Actually, quoting from the new book, "AC Cobra, the truth behind the Anglo-American legend" by Rinsey Mills, pg. 22...
"Carroll Shelby... still nutured the idea of building his own sports car. A few years earlier he had begun to interest General Motors in co-operating on a project but this had been killed off by those in the company involved with the Corvette. More recently, he had made tentative approaches to Austin-Healey... with the idea of an American-engined version but... it had shown little or no inclination..."
It's due to arrive late this month/early Nov. If I can figure out how to embed a photo, I'll post a few.
You know, I really should edit my car description off to the left here... anybody know how to do that?