I'll put down those dates on our calendar.
Ruble is taking some punichment here so I'll try and take the heat off him momentarily.
I know I was a slow poke last year battling a low
oil pressure problem and over-heating.....
At least I got out of the Porsche's way rather than blind them with a smoke screen!
Guys, I'm ashamed to say it, but Ruble passed me....
Oh the horror!!
Not next year.. pressure problem solved, over-heating solved.
Now it's time to get in a bit of track time at Gainesville to brush up on the driving skills.
Jim, I'm looking to pass you once again, just in case you forgot about Sebring!
Johan, I may not be able to support you much financially, but please let me know if there is something I can do to help....
Outside of bartending and assisting Daisy with the cooking.
I've got two Reptile Roundup's under my belt so I've got lots of
PR experience.
I have a feeling it might be needed if we let Ruble and Spidey get too close to the Hooters girls.