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I'm Worried!
The strangest thing happen during the last rally. I had to make a U-turn on highway 33 to find a checkpoint. I did it my usual rambunctious way, with a little sideway slide on the gravel on the shoulder and a little tire spin on the pavement. But then, the rear end felt REALLY strange. I told Ron, "I think we have a flat tire". It was as if the left rear tire were squirming around with no directional control. I slowed down an looked back at the tire and then it was OK. We were in a hurry to get to the checkpoint and kept going. Later, I checked it and could see nothing wrong. I could understand if the shoulder had been muddy and the tire was slipping, but no, the whole area was dry. We finished the rally with no problems but I kept the speed down, because I didn't trust the rear end. It's mostly Jaguar XKE parts in there, but the hubs are from an XK6 with the 5 bolt flange. I'm thinking that maybe the bearings in the hub may be worn enough to allow the inner races to get off track temporarily. I'm thinking of pulling the whole thing apart to check it. With a 16 hour rally coming up next month, I want it to be right. Has anyone experienced anything similar with a jag-you-are rear end. Any suggestions or comments will be appreciated.
"It doesn't have anything on it that doesn't make it go faster."
Last edited by RallySnake; 10-21-2003 at 01:59 PM..