...I just blasted around the block and discovered that the huge central tunnnel sorta helps me stay "planted" in the cockpit---and---it IS the insides of the footboxes (NOT the tunnel) which I'm going to modify (in order to get me legs/feet more "straight ahead"). I'm contemplating modifiying the pedal-shafts to set them to the center, or right, more. That's my only beef with the driver's positioning. My engine's only got the stock (c. 11" setback) but I am AMAZED at what a difference it makes (having driven two ERAs and two SPFs on the sharp twisties of the outer Cape). Butlers are basically a different car--just as Ron Butler said. I found that the aftward shift of the block makes the steering quicker and lighter. Also, I found the transition from about 1/2 turn left to 1/2 turn right (or vica versa) had muchless of that "insipient understeer" fell. I HAVE "frisbeed" the Butler "mid-engine" roadster on a wet (and abondonned!) parking lot near Santa Barbara. Wow!
I'm keeping the engine and the console (top o' the trannie hump) "stock" and just cutting the footboxes maybe a 1/2 inch. It might not be worth it---bending the pedal shafts might be the cheapest and easiest way top center my footsies.