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I want to take the opportunity to thank those of you who are interested in helping me in how to honorably handle this situation with this car. There are those however who need to except reality as it is and know that while it may seem funny they are not. I am overwhelmed with theadvice of the members of this site and at this current time have asked my CPA about the tax issues. The way the car was signed over tome was through an affidavit of donation and dsinated to me as a gift and not a prize. So in that lies a tightrope of tax law interpretation that is like winding up a spun fishing reel. Anyhow I will take the suggestions and do the homework and get the information that some of youare after and will post it as soon as possible for further discussion.
Always move forward through life and keep an active mind so that you don't get lazy and I end up passing you in my COBRA!!!