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First of all, I visited that cesspool you call a home and can't say there is much there for me. All you guys seem to be good at is cussing. I am more intelligent that that - I can actually express myself with out using expletives - (expletives means cussing by the way).
The other thing you seem pretty good at is criticizing Club Cobra and all the "f'ing waxers" here - so why are you back? Oh wait, I think I know - there was no one to play with at "Club Cranky" - the times I checked, ALL the posts were about 3 days old and they were all about how bad Club Cobra is and about trying to get guys to join your "Club"....LOL!
People I have talked to about your personality seem to agree that you are one of those guys who is real mild in person but a real tiger behind the keyboard....I actually could care but it was interesting to hear that.
I wouldn't waste my breath trying to tell you about any racing I have done because you wouldn't understand - you think that driving a car around a race track at an open track is cool. It is a waste of good race gas - what is the point? Oh, I'm sorry - to impress those who have never been on a race track at all! Big man on campus - junior high.
I did some open track when it first started - it was meant to be a test and tune for guys who actually raced and then the "wannabes" like you came along and before you knew it, it was a real poplular deal - so you should listen to Kputz when he tells you how it is - he knows, you haven't a clue.
By the way - do you guys actually drink the night before you go out on the track? You think that is OK? I guess it is if you are real slow....but make sure you don't do that if you want to go fast, OK?
Well, Mr. Phony Racer, I hope you have a great Sunday!