Here is the info for all that could not make it.
DUES: $20 PLEASE PAY AT WINTER PARTY. Look for Rich Shelby.
WINTER MEETING: Jameson's Char House(Blas) or LALO's(Sid) Both are near expressways. Sat. Dec. 13th or Wed. Jan 7th. We will need to vote on the date ASAP. I have started another Thread to get the votes. I still have not figured out how to do a vote here on Clubcobra with the boxes yet. If you know please email me.
SPRING POKER RUN: (Gary) The two weekends before Memorial Day in May. The 16th or the 23rd. Gary this is up to you on which date.
ROAD RACING: (Fred/Erik) May 29th Gingerman? Correct me if I'm wrong about this.
STRATS: June Show/Shine with trophies sponsored by Strat's. Erik will be working with Strat on a date. It will be in the 1st or 2nd week in June.
DRAG DAY: (snake
oil) Looks like one in June and one in Sept. Dates will be posted when it gets closer to this time.
FALL PICNIC: September some time. Chris and Blas have both opened up their homes for the picnic. We will narrow it down as we get closer to fall.
OPEN IDEAS/EVENTS: Snake and Eggs! Sunday breakfast at any of our favorite joints!
Dyno Day: Erik has stated that Street Stuff may want to host an event.
LONG GROVE CRUISE NIGHT: John Spina has mentioned that Long Grove is looking for cars to come to their cruise night.
CLUBCOBRA.COM will be our main stage for info about events. An email list is being compiled by Blas. Please email him with the following info.(I know we have done this before but it did not get completed. Lets try one more time!)
Cobra Make:

Phone: optional
On the poker run page under this club we have pics of some owners. I also have pics of owners I will post in my gallery that I got at Bob S. party. If you are not one of them please please please email Blas with info and pic! he can be reached at
Cruise Nights: There have been many CN closed down and new ones started. We will be compiling a new list.
MASS EMAIL: We are working on this. We know that the biggest problem is we get emails but no clue who the address is connected to. Please put your name on all emails so we know who you are. ALSO PLEASE put WCCC in Subject field. We will have an email list to pass out at the WINTER PARTY. To make this possible we will need you to all contact Blas with info.
THANK YOU to all that came to the meet. Thanks to Strat's for hosting this event. If I have missed anything please go ahead and post it here. I will get the thread about the winter party started so we can start focusing on that.
Prashanth "Sid" Siddalingaiah Sec.