Thread: CT registration
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Old 10-28-2003, 11:45 AM
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Hello all intersted in how CT DMV works....
Hey Joe G!!
I have now been to two inspections at DMV in Wethersfield and both times the have checked different items then the last making it very confusing. Requirements can be downloaded from the website @ and do a search for composite vehicle inspection....You will have to make an appointment like Joe explained and expect to be on hold for 45min-1hr. just to talk to someone to make appointment, next as was said it will take 3-4 weeks for the date of the appointment to arrive. When you go you can pull in the left lane (Not the right lane that takes forever and is for all kinds of inspections) Wait for the inspector to call you over. Items that they check first....
*Windshield MUST be DOT AS/1 Certified
*Measure the steering wheel diameter
*Check all lights Horns etc. etc.. Must be DOT...Blinkers + Parking Lights as american cars, also reflectors on sides and rear
*All Switches MUST be labeled....All dash lights, gauges etc must work.....
*Put car on lift and do full undercarriage inspection, cables, lines, hoses must me held on with rubber grommets every so many inches (Outlined in specification booklet)
*Must record Rear Diff #, Transmission #, and Motor #....NOW to Answer the Crate Motor ?, Last car I took had a brand new Ford crate motor, the Inspector wanted to know the VIN it came out of, I said, well it is new, never been in a car, so was never stamped with a VIN on the block, he said OK, gave him a receipt and he said I'll be right back. Came back out looked around a bit and said OK.....Transmission was new and has a number on the plate attached.....Rear end has a plate and comes with car so is covered under MSO......As Far as Emmisions, car must meet 1967 Standards, which is nothing......DB level was not checked, our cars are muffled/baffled and I wouldn't rev it up much when driving it in/in the building.....
*The car's lowest point (Usually oil pan) has to be a minimum of 4 inches....IF YOU SAW THE WAY THEY MEASURED THIS I WAS LAUGHING, THE USED AN OLD EXTENSION CORD AND 2 TAPE MEASURES....We were 3 and 7/8", When I asked inspector how much I had to raise (Not knowing I was watching measurement and overhead them) responded I don't know but it's under 4 inches.....Just wanted to know how much I needed to crank up the coilovers....
*The car then comes off the lift and the E-Brake is checked
*Then the brakes are tested on the Skidpad for balance
*Then you loop around the building again and it is tested for front end alignment (Toe) on a machine that is 3 times my age, but works like a dream.
**As was emphasized before you are at the mercy of the inspector, making comments or asking reasonable questions is frowned upon, take what they say, fix it, and go back and then they can't say anything, they only retest the stuff that failed, also you go back in the same lane, you don't have to wait in the other lane like was told to us one time, and 3 hours later, the same inspector said "You should be in the left lane!" after 3 hours prior said "You need to be in the right lane." I had to bite my tongue off and I think Joe held me back.....Car has to meet 1967 standards....Side reflectors weren't required till 1968, but can you argue this.....NO!!!!!Just have to do it and smile!!!!
**They said our cars were the best they've seen and still we had to go back.....Last car was Toe Alignment (Which they didn't test 1 st time) and ride height...simple adjustment in the parking lot drive through and we had a VIN....IT's really not bad, just preparing you with what I/We have experienced....Plan to make a day or 2 out of it depending on how early you inspection is and what they find wrong.....Both times were different as Joe will remember, some of the stuff I mentioned they didn't test on his car or check and other stuff they did and didn't this last time I went......It's luck of the draw......You will get a 2003 Title or whatever year we are in, and it will be listed as Composite...
If you have anymore questions or need clarifying give us a call (860)225-3184 and I will try to answer or if you want to bring your car down and put it on the lift I might be able to make some suggestions or show you what I mean by what they are looking for, I know that we have passed inspections in CT with Joe's car, and in the beginning of October with another customers car.....So what I have told you should be consistant with what you will see and what they will be looking for.............You will get it through, just listen and put on that smile


P.S...351W was not introduced till 1969.....
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