As usual you are correct about the gray area of the badges. What I was trying to get across is that to me, when he was trying to sell the Continuation Cobras and of course I think Calif. was the first state to refuse to let them be registered because some of the parts were not made in the 60s, I think his aluminium bodied cars are more of a continuation than the fiberglass ones. He never made any fiberglass Cobras in the 60s so how could a fiberglass body be a continuation of what he was building? However to me both points are moot as I do like the cars and would still like to have one. I wonder what would happen so far as the name issue goes if Ford were to start making Cobras, and not the Mustang kind. I also want a Kirkham, a Highlander Daytona Coupe, and about a dozen others that I can't afford. Wow, am I fortunate to live here where you can't register any of those types of cars so that lets me off the hook so far as buying one. The 500 numbers that SB-100 provided is already used up for the next 4 years I think. I know several people who have been waiting since late July for the 1st of the year so they can rush down and try to get one of those numbers.
Oh, by the way. The latest in [b]rumors[b] Gray Davis and bunch may retire to Hawaii & look into going into public service there. Just wishful thinking on the part of many Northern Californians. But who, knows, if we get the rumors going well enough they may think it is a good idea.