Originally posted by Excaliber
Ferrari MAY be an example of what MIGHT happen.
After Enzo passed the torch the price increase was immediate and breath taking! After a few years things calmed down and the prices stabilzed. You see this in areas of "life". Art, baseball cards, whatever. A "spike" in prices, followed by a "stabilization".
SOME specific models (cars, cards or works of Art) remain high and continue to climb after things have calmed down.
You can bet the 62 to 66 Cobras WILL increase a bunch, and won't drop "that much". The other Cobras? See above and place your bets wisely, SOME will be BIG winners, others, "also ran".
The big spike in price for a "classic " Ferrari happened well before Enzo's death.
The irony is , that almost immediatly upon his demise the market completely collapsed , leaving "investors" to take a serious bath for betting "the come"
Not to say you cant make $ owning cars.......but beware of "hype"when investing in any thing ....it dosnt take a real big group to artificially run up the price of anything....
anyone remember CSX cars selling for a Million?.....
KK investment driver