Hello Paul, I've been thinking about your mystery
oil leak. As I'm sure you are well aware, the 427's were not pampered engines to say the least! If you don't have knowedge of the paticular past history of the motor, one may safely assume the worst and work from there. Your friends problem ,However, seems to reflect a problem that a close friend of mine, an FE- expert and pro-drag race engine builder/ Ford consultant , (who has worked with the design of the FE motor from its beginning ), Is quite certain that this is damage( posisible warpage, and or cracking in the main bearing cap and surounding area) Due to severe over heating! There is no quick fix for this problem if infact the motor has been overheated to this point. These are not easy problems to detect by the naked eye, and usualy require extensive magnafluxing, pressure testing of the
oil system,and verifying that the block and its main bores are straight. Has the motor been over heated to your knowledge??? How are the main bearings looking?? Any signs of coper showing? This could be the first signs of the main problem, causing your symtems. There have been quite a few good deals on some good slightly over bored blocks,and NOS blocks on E-bay and the like lately. The 427 shelby block is pretty hard to beat too! It's all aluminum, and very repairable if necessary!Before you go and spend a lot of time and money, consider another block while the pickings are pretty good. good luck, hope this helps determine the source of problem. STARLINER.