My Yamaha V-Max (Mad Max) 1200 v-4 power cruiser, and my Suzuki DR650E enduro, and my #1 babe's Kawasaki 250 Super Sherpa enduro. I just rode my Mad Max bike tonight, ( ) over to the tranny shop where my transmission/clutch problems are almost over, but my motor troubles have just begun.. we are gonna have to pull the motor and have it completely checked, since my manufacturer blew the Edelbrock intake install, by using the gaskets on the end of the intake instead of RTV...

(Not the only thing he blew.. expose' including pics coming soon) coolant got into my engine and damaged my main and slightly my rod bearings. Looks salvageable but will cost me some for a complete hot tank and restoration. We are gonna pull the motor soon. But at least it will finally be done right, and dyno'ed... and at least it's winter and the best time for this

And I have my Max to drive

James Madison, father of the Constitution, said, "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." He also said, "No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare..."