From what little I could find out, any existing registrations before CS bought into CAV would Most Likely, and I emphasize (most likely) be grandfathered in and you would be ok but I can't get any answer on what if you want to sell the car later on. As for getting one now, California is a toal disaster as I have received at least 10 different answers ranging from they can't be registered period, to you can register then under SB-100 if you can get one of the 500 numbers. If the state DMV doesn't even know then how are we supposed to know. That is one reason I am not looking into any car now as I don't think that in a few years you will be able to register anything in this state. This is all going to come to a crashing head one of these days soon I fear and no one will be able to register any vehicle unless it is built by one of the major manafacturers and meets all emission and crash standards.