Ron (CW) or Brent,
What is going on with my post count all of a sudden this morning? I just happened to notice that when I go back to an earlier post they have all been updated to whatever the last post cout is. I don't remembe rthis happening before and I have logged off, cleaned all cookies and files, and the cache. I think this will be #1314 and if you look back in the lounge where I posted some this morning they will now all have 1314.
Edit:: Maybe I have just never noticed this before but after looking at some of the other guy's posts I see some of them all have the number of their last post, so it is most likely the way the server counts them. Sorry to bother you with something I shouold have looked a little farther into.
Edit again; I have tried twice to delete this post and it just tells me I am trying to delete someoene else's post or am not authorized to delete it. Why can I delete some posts with no problems and others I can't delete at all?