BB 12.96 (Average 451 CI) The only way this works out is either I'm missing a BB or Jason ran 14.56.? I heard he was around most of the SB's in the 13's.
SB 12.52 (Average 373 CI) Now figure SB cubes. My guess is it over 390.
SSB 274 Even including this anomaly the outcome should still not be in question.
GS - I like your math - if I were a small block guy. Seriously, I am filling in the times on my post on the previous page as they are reported and maybe I miss categorized a car but I only identified 3 BB cars two of which times are known. Whose BB times are you referring to? Between JO & mine our average is 12.21 and I'm waiting to here from Jason (patrija). I heard he was in the 13's.
I'd also like to come to a total group average but need TIMES.
Still missing:
Bob (Superformance)
Orange Cobra - BB or SB car?
Jason - BB 406
Anyone else?
GS - You got to love the odd SB factored in. Where did you get those BB times since both known times I'm aware of are well below your average?
Ante up SB and correct for accurate SB et's!