Yep Ant...thats the stuff...HT450 mixed with 9000 resin gives you as near as damn it to Epifill. Epifill does have white pigments to make it white white or they also do timber colours.
The 9000/450 mix might go off white as it cures but that is just cosmetic and has no bearing on the strength. If you want it brilliant white...put a little pigment in it.
1/16 of milled glass mix over the cloth would be just right ...followed by straight epifil or 9000/HT450 mix would be just the ticket to get it all fair and smooth....apply the Epifil/450 mix before the random glass mix has cured .
Wont shrink, is compatible with all paint finishes, is totally waterproof, and when mixed with milled class fibres, is immensly would destroy a polyester laminate before that stuff lets go.
But...a little of an overkill for a polyester body.
Damn good stuff...sticks like NZ sheep dung to a woollen jumper.
OOpsy...couldn't help myself