Originally posted by bnewell
What is everyone using for tires?? I have used several products but they all seem to make the tires look "TOO" wet. Any other ideas??
Hi Brian:
I have been using the Zaino Bros' #16 Perfect Tire Gloss.
This is a milky white licquid that you rub onto a clean tire. It is non-greasy, non-oily and does not discolor. When it dries, it leaves a nice dark satin sheen, not a wet gloss. It does not crack and supposedly is a UV sunscreen and an antistatic as well.
I have been very happy with this product. I apply it with an old white sock rolled up into a pad. After done, I put the pad into a ziplock bag and use it next time. Once a month does it for the Cobra, I do the daily drivers after each washing. Dry the tires first.