Can Fling IV be better? It certainly looks like it's heading in the right direction.
The big question is how does the Fling benefit from all the great people that are not only willing but demanding to help? Heaven knows it's not like we can't use it. The problem is, how to put all these offers from all over the country to good use? We tried an idea on the first Fling...and it worked a little bit, but not the way I really wanted. Maybe now that our Cobra Family has grown to astronomical proportions it will.
Just a thought...How about a central Fling coordinator for each state? They would organize convoys, fundraisers, whatever.
Good, bad...ugly idea?
I mentioned earlier, (somewhere) that the Fling is going to go a little backwards this year. Last year was simply, well, astonishing, but we came very, very close to leaving our roots. Almost a commercial event vs. a family event. We are Family, and always will be. The point is, we're going to slow down a little if you will. We will still raise money for CF and Jenny, but trying to top last years miraculous donations will not be the top of our goal. IF it happens then so be it. Lets straighten the road, have fun, and enjoy the camaraderie that the Fling brings to all of us.
DV..and this usually doesn't get started until after Christmas!