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Well said, Jamo. Crendon, from what I've read, set out from day one against the tide of most UK replicas to be the most authentic and they've come up with a great product.
Duane, Robnell uses a lightweight triangulated tubular spaceframe that reportedly weighs less than 300lbs bare. A kevlar/carbon fiber body includes positive (impact on frame as opposed to door locks) side intrusion protection and the frame has engineered crumple zones. Features include selectable traction control, anti-lock brakes and Motec fuel injection. There is even a memory card that allows you to download data after a run or track session to analyze the car's performance. Very un-Cobralike to the purist - but the Cobra driving experience (high power, short wheelbase, beautiful body shape) remains untainted while the owner/driver can still benefit from current technology and safety enhancements. Rear suspension is all independent and available in a variety of configurations to suit your tastes and pocketbook. I wish that Samuari (sp?) would chime in as he is the first and - as far as I know- only person to have bought a Robnell through HOC.
Tropical Buzz
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)
BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...