In the initial thread where this idea was first bandied about, I was impressed by your challenge, and was 100% for it. I was equally dismayed when you said JBL would be out. Now, after reading some of Mr. Lake's posts, and a few of the others who are deriding the idea, I understand why you felt it would be best for JBL to be on the sidelines. You showed much class by not directly indicating why, but I get it now. Some people just like to supress any act of creativity. And there are enough of them to ruin a good idea, and give you headaches you definitely don't need. All you need to know is that there are plenty of us who completely duplicated what your intentions were, and understood the sanity of the initial stipulations: we GOT it. The idea you proposed was one that would settle whose chassis set up handles best. I dare anyone to argue that your initial rules WOULDN"T prove that. But, alas, it is being misunderstood, misinterpreted, perverted and misconstrued in every way imaginable.
Anyway, just for fun, I must second Turk's request to post the names of the dimwits who have sent antagonistic/argumentative emails to you. If we can't sit by and enjoy a friendly comparison test, at least let a few of us have som fun at the expense of the killjoys!