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Now you've got me wondering. I can't tell you for sure now, because my registration is in my glove box in Bill Emerson's shop. Much closer to you than to me. I bought my car new at the end of 2001, and registered it using SB100 in january, 2002. If I remember correctly, the registration said the car was a 2000, first sold/registered in 2002. I was curious about this, but never asked, because with the DMV, I wanted to leave well enough alone. Since you have some earlier smog exempt cars like I do, you know that at registration renewal time, the air quality nazis send you a letter to tell you that they'll give you $500.00 if you have your car crushed instead of re-registered. Well, when I got my most recent registration renewal for the cobra ($1,024.00), I also got a letter from the air quality nazis that offered me $500.00 if I wanted to have my 2000 car crushed. The interesting part is that I must have got this letter because some computer somewhere has the car listed as a 1965, because you don't get these letters unless the car is 30 years (?) old, even though the letter said 2000.
I'm puzzled, but don't want to ask.
joe kennedy