Hey Ya'll
Mention of the Cookies on another thread under DVSF has given me an idea for an event at DVSF IV. I bounced it past DV and he thinks it is a good one, and asked if I would organise it. I do like DV's style
I would have offered and I'm glad it would have been accepted.
My Idea Is : An old fashioned Picnic. A nice park, picnic rugs on the grass with iced drinks and sweets and cookies (!!!!), and all the other picnic pickings.
DV has a state park in mind and I'll get more information on it shortly.
But for now I'm looking for interst in the idea. Who is up for a good old fashioned picnic where you can sit back and enjoy the Ohio countryside and the company of some of the greatest people you'll find anywhere?
I'm in - who's with me?
Doug I