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I would take advantage of having it balanced before hand. I've heard from several different engine builders that Scat cranks are very hard to balance, and most of the time they require a whole lot of heavy metal. When I was having my Eagle stuff balanced, the machinst told me that he had to put $700 worth of heavy metal on one...Not very good news...However, I'm gonna have to go down that road myself, because Scat is the only company that I've found so far that makes aftermarket FE crankshafts...
By the way...I know that the hypereutectic pistons refer to the amount of additives in the metal. When you're looking at a phase diagram of a certain metal, there is a hypereutectic point. At this point, there is more of a certain additive than usual. For steel, hypereutectic refers to having more than .6% carbon. I suppose in aluminum (pistons) the hypereutectic refers to having more silicon.
I'm a Mechanical Engineer, and not a Chem or Metallurgical can someone share why the silicon would be a disadvantage when it comes to power adding?
I've always wondered about that...