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Old 11-20-2003, 09:23 PM
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CobERA CobERA is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Lambertville, NJ
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA #644 428 FE
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Unhappy Don't Make This Mistake! - MPG

I had the opportunity to take a nice long cruise on Saturday.

I noted the mileage on the odometer, and headed out with my daugther in the passenger seat for a nice cruise on some Texas country roads. Despite threatening skies and rain in the area, the sky over the Cobra was mostly sunny. There were hardly any other cars on the route we chose, so I was able to let the Cobra stretch its legs a bit.

Just as the odometer was reading out that we had traveled 100 miles, I pulled into a gas station to re-fuel.

I don't know what got into me, and maybe it was because the even 100 miles traveled made the math easy, but for the first time I calculated my MPG.

NEVER, repeat, NEVER do this!

Ironically, later that day, a friend stopped by and naturally we wandered out to the garage to look at the car. Wouldn't you know it, but he asked what kind of mileage I got.

Well, I puffed up a bit and then responded with a bit of manufactured pride that I was able to easily achieve mileage in the high single digits!

...repeat, NEVER do this!
ERA 644

I'm getting old too fast and smart too slow!
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