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Sta-Bil additive - any problems?
I topped off the tank for the winter with Sunoco 94 and added the right amount of Sta-Bil. Almost immediately the engine started loading up. Since it's only about 2 miles to home I didn't think much of it but we've had a few nice days and Sunday I snuck out for one last spin. The car ran terrible, very very hard starting, felt like it was running on 7 cylinders, bucking in 4th gear, a lot of blackish smoke. Everything under the hood looks fine, nothing loose, wires plugs, distributor etc. Hate to have to siphon out 18 gals of gas, but at this point I'm at a loss. Someone said to add an octane boost to it but I'm afraid to leave it like this till spring.
Kids in the backseats cause accidents, accidents in the backseat causes kids ! Good reason to get a Cobra !!!