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Emissions Waiver
capfel & Bob In Ct:
The only remedy that I am aware of is to apply for a wavier. 'If " I understand correctly, spend a minimum of $660 on emissions repairs, possibly fail the free re-test, then apply for and receive a waiver. Or apply for a Functional Waiver, or declare poverty , see below,
When I registered the Cobra in 2000, emissions test was passed very easily, my understanding the standards used were from the 1960's.
For the 351W: ASM Emissions Results:
HC / CO / NO
Max Limit: 484.0 / 5.09 / 3182.0
Tested : 99.4 / 1.99 / 189.3
I retained the original Vehicle Emissions Report, the standards should not have changed, only the vendor to conduct the test. The key might be in finding out where the Max Limit for HC, CO and NO came from that were used in 2000.
The Waiver policy:
Waiver Eligibility
To be eligible for a waiver your repairs must be performed by a Certified Emissions Repair Technician.
Cost - To qualify for a cost waiver, you must spend at least $660 on emission-related repairs (for program year 2003). This figure is linked to the consumer price index and could change annually. The minimum repair cost is for actual repairs made to the vehicle by a state-certified technician, after available emissions-related warranty coverage or written denial of such warranty coverage by the vehicle manufacturer. You must have a receipt for the repairs from a state-certified technician. A written estimate of costs is not sufficient.
Time Extension (Economic Hardship)
You must submit a form supplied by the DMV stating that your annual income is at or below state and federal poverty level guidelines.
Receipt of public assistance - You must submit evidence about all government or utility assistance programs for which you are a beneficiary.
Asset status - You must attest that you have no other assets you could use to pay for the necessary repairs. All information shall remain confidential.
After having received a waiver, a vehicle must pass its next scheduled test before becoming eligible for another waiver.
Functional Diagnosis - You may apply for a diagnostic waiver if diagnosis fails to reveal any problem or there is no evidence to suggest emissions repairs are needed. Your vehicle will then require a functional diagnosis and inspection performed by DMV personnel. You may be granted a waiver if the DMV inspector validates that no additional repairs are required.
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Last edited by Don; 11-28-2003 at 11:13 AM..