Hi Bob:
The weather this summer was just perfect. Sufficient rain so things stayed green all summer. Not too hot, mild. Used the air conditioner only about 10 times. So far the fall was very nice. We are starting to get colder now, with some frost on the grass on some mornings. All the leaves are down and blowing around.
On nice days when the temps get to the mid 60's it is perfect Cobra driving weather. The big block is like a heater. However, this is now, for the most part, leather jacket, turtleneck, gloves, cap and earmuff driving weather with the top down.
Its not winter yet and the days still have one more month of getting shorter.... drat.
Today and yesterday, I am out in the heated barn (stove) crawling around under the Cobra (on jackstands), cleaning and changing fluids and inspecting. You know... acting obsessed in the typical manner of those demented.
You can eat off the undercarriage of this baby even after 11 years.
Sickness...... Serious Sickness....
BTW: I do not want to HEAR about your weather....