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You are correct, the opinions of the community here count. Why else would be hang aroung if they didn't.
My comments are in regards the the persons who took it upon themselves to attack Richard and his business practices. He received emails and what not. It's uncalled for, he did nothing to deserve it, and most of all, he only facilitated a challange the several of us instigated.
We made a challange and Richard took the time to organize and post it for the community. However, some idiots thought it was appropriate to jump his case and send him nasty emails. And now he feels best if he pulls out, that p!sses me off. Several idiots are ruining a really cool challange before the first flag ever drops.
I read your post Dan and it hardly reads like the captions Richard posted from the emails he received. I hardly think you're one of the idiots I referred to.
Let me finish by adding that constructive input counts no matter who it comes from.