I just thought it might be interesting to share just how much effect an air filter (particularly the old Stellings & Helling) really can have on performance.
When I had my 427 S/O broken in and tuned on the dyno, it was done with the air cleaner off which is normal. When we were all done, I asked if we could do a pull with the Stellings & Helling air cleaner on. We did and it took 61 horsepower out of the engine!!!
Later, when I was finally driving the car, I experimented with how it felt with and without the air cleaner. First, I stuck my leg in it with the cleaner on. Pretty healthy I thought. Then I tried it again without the cleaner. WOW! It was like unhooking a trailer from the back of the car.....tire smoke and all!
My solution, since I'm in a fairly wet climate and don't see much dust, or lose nuts and bolts down the carburetor, was to run without it and simply put it on for shows. As fast as
oil went through the engine, even my builder told me it was unlikely to cause any damage in the amount of miles I put on it.
So, do what you like with filters. K&N makes good stuff and they certainly do flow air!
Check my gallery for pic of Stellings in turkeypan on S/O.