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It's an auction.
If someone is willing to pay more. Then by all that's right and holy with capitalism says they should get it. If you fail to enter the highest price YOU think the item is worth, then expect to have someone with a firmer grasp of its value to outbid you.
If someone is so 'win at all costs' that he'll enter a bid price $100 more than he thinks a part is worth, then more power to him and others like him as I sell my parts and 'snipe' a bid 1 minute and 20 seconds from the end of my own auction to drive these types into a bidding frenzy where they're bidding $500 over just to win.
Don't be a fool. Bid what the part is worth to you. If it goes to someone else, they were either a fool, obsessive, more knowledgeable, or had a greater desire/need for the item. Bid what you think it's worth and let it go if it goes higher.
My opinion.