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carb jetting
I just got my BDR 392 stroker and it makes great power!!!!!! My question is that the builder adjusted the carb and re jetted it for his altitude (2000 ft above sea level) The car runs really rich for about the first minute or so, I think adjusting the electric choke will take car of that but it pops a little under de-acceleration but I think most cobras do that. My main concern is that under wide open throttle (cant open it up in 1st or second gear due to tire spin) but in 3rd then I pin the throttle it seems to miss a little under wide open throttle. Performs very well but It does need some card tuning I think. Its a 750cfm vac sec. and I am about 400 feet above sea level. It ran really good at his altitude. Is the missing under WOT due to lean jetting?? He installed 69 jetts primary and 78 on the secondries. Also my carb has dual metering blocks. Is my problem jetting?????? The problem does not occur under normal driving at high speed, Just under wide open throotle. Thanks!!!