Not Ranked
Street Beast Cobra Coupe
Yo Mike,
Thanks for your thoughts.....
I was never really interested in a Cobra roadster.....and
what with all the whining I hear from many of my fellow
club members about the wind, rain, cold and on and on....
mind you this is in the summer! the coupe was the right
car at the right time at the right price. Plus as I alluded to
in an earlier post, the one piece body and much of the
assembly completed made it very attractive to me. I
used to be part owner in a body shop that did Corvettes
only. I rapidly learned that my blonde hair, blue eyes and
fair skin was not conducive to playing with s-glass, e-glass
and assorted composite materials and resins. This was
reinforced in the mid-late 80's when I was a Composite
Materials Engineer with MRB authority at Northrop
Advanced Projects on some very 'interesting' aerospace
vehicles. Shortly after starting there, the allergies came
home with a passion to the point that I quit and went to
Douglas Aircraft on the DC/KC-10/MD-11.
Sorry for the digression, as one of the early purchasers,
they cut $5K off the price and are doing the pre-assembly
work package at n/c which is usually 12-1500.
I'm hoping to take delivery in the next 60-90 days and
have made some prelim arrangements to make it a
roller as I'm still 'space' challenged.
I'll probably be flying down there again in the 4-6 weeks
as I still have some unused United passes that expire
in April. I'll re-post after I return as I expect my 'kit'
will be close to shipping out.