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DMV taken over by Nordstrom?
Ok... It is Friday, December 12, 2003. I went to the DMV today and it was like a scene from twilight zone. It started when I parked in the slot closest to the door and then noticed the entire parking lot was nearly empty. I went inside to sign in for my 2:10 appointment at 1:53... A voice saild, "hello can I help you?"... I thought for a moment before I gave my standard "I WAS HERE FIRST... DIRTBAG" answer I always use at the DMV when people are pushing their way around you...
But what? That sound came from beyond the wall... The magic place where new plates come from and new tags are issued... Hugh? "name please sir? how can I help you?" the voice inquired. Oh yes, I'm SCOBRAC I'm here for the 2:10. "I can help you now" the voice said.
OK... I thought as I contenplated the possibility the DMV workers had all been abducted by the Nordstrom family for re-training by executive order of the govenator.
It was only then I realized I didn't hear a single child crying, 375 lb man snoring, no inner city teen talking on a cell phone. There was just Christmas music and Mike... The DMV guy. I started looking around. Yep it was the DMV. But where were the people? Yes, I had an appointment but a personal DMV worker? As I looked around I realized the place was nearly empty. I counted 12 people in various locations including me and my wife.
I never saw more than 4 people in the information line and were moved through quickly and easily.
I have come to verify my SPCNS conversion, I explained. "yes sir let me see what you have". Looking over my papers I told him the situation and that I had completed the process two weeks ago and left them in the express box, but would like to verify it had been accepted. "Yes sir it is being processed in Sacramento"...
if you haven't gotten there by now, it's too late. The rest of my appointment was taken up with him asking about the 7 liter Ferrari engine in my Cobra. He seemed to actually believe me when I told him that was actually a goof by the BAR. He continued chatting me up about sports cars, about a Lotus Super 7 replica he had seen at a local repair shop that the shop is selling, and how he wants one, then he told me about the Ferrari that got registered the week before. The fee's were about $23,000.
Now, I've never shaken a DMV workers hand before today but it was kind of fun. I wished him a Merry Christmas and left with a smile.
I swear...
A man that is young in years, may be old in hours, if he have lost no time. But that happeneth rarely. Generally, youth is like the first cogitations, not so wise as the second. For there is a youth in thoughts, as well as in ages... Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
Last edited by SCOBRAC; 12-12-2003 at 05:52 PM..