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Your right .... it's hard to explain to folks if they never saw it....
It was also a great place to pass..... so was the Dip its self......
I remember passing Jim Fitzgerald in the dip and out brakeing him coming up to the bridge...... then he raced me side by side down the hill and all the way to turn one...... WOW.... I think 4 of us were within .8 of a Second of each other and we ran probably 12 laps that way before we started speading out .... about 1 car length.....
I'd love to come back down there..... some day when we get a car built so I can start understanding some of the things these Cobra's do at speed....
On second thought maybe we'll just drive this one on the street and help and advise others.... I like to give back knowledge to others...... so they can enjoy what they have.....
Had some great times at Road Atlanta and will sure try to assist anybody that needs it.
BTW.... Elkhart Lake is only a couple hours away from where I live now.... so is IRP.... Mid Ohio.... St Louis.... Kansas City.... Brainerd....and Blackhawk.....CenDiv always had all of the good tracks... com'on up and we can do it here...
Jim "Fitzy"Fitzgerald always told me ..... Stiffen and slide..... he didn't realize I was going to slide right on by..... we really had some fun racing and would recommend it to anyone....