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Four guys had played golf every Sat. for twenty five years. Every Sat. rain or shine they teed off at 7:00 sharp. One Sat. one guy doesn't show up,they wait for 1/2 hour and then tee off without him. The next Sat. 7:00 all four meet at the golf course. Naturally
they ask the guy where he was last Sat. He says I'd prefer not to talk about it. One of his friends says wait a minute we've been a foursome for 25 years and never once has any of us missed our 7:00 tee time. I think some explaining is in order. The guy finally relents and says well I was born with both sets of sex organs,
and I was too embarrased to tell anyone. Last week the doctor told me as I got older I'd have to decide whether I want to continue my life as a man or a woman,and you'll be glad to know I am completely male now. His friends listened to his story and were speechless. Finally one guy spoke and said you stupid bastard,all these years you could have been hitting form the ladies tees???