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What do you have? Hmmm. Provided Texas doesn't base the year of the car as registered based on the year of the engine you put in it (my guess is, it does, but check with your TX folks who have been through the TX DMV registration process) perhaps a starting point for a Cobra motor.
Prior to the advent of major aftermarket components, the 351W made for a good truck motor. Some folks took 351W heads, and bolted them on 302's for a little better breathing.
Your running short block might be OK with a mild aftermarket hydraulic cam ( 218 - 224I; 224 - 234E; @ .050, & .50 - .53 lift at the valves). For heads, you'll want to use at least Rousch 200 iron heads with 2.02/1.60 valves. The Edelbrock Performer RPM will serve your intake needs. I'd go with a Demon 650 DP even at this stage of the game so you don't have to buy another carb later on. Why?
After you get your car on the street and get the kinks out of it, get used to how the car drives, and what you expect from each other (this is called the Cobra experience, and will take 6 mos to a year), you'll do a complete reassesment of your power and other driving needs. Don't feel like the Lone Ranger "Tex", we all go through this. Hang out with other Cobra guys and get a feel for what's next.
MACV, IV Corps, "The Nam", '71.
Last edited by Jack21; 12-25-2003 at 10:21 PM..