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Old 12-27-2003, 03:57 AM
simonjrwinter simonjrwinter is offline
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OK, so tell me if I've got this right (and please tell me if it's wrong)
If I've got the engine all together and running (but knocking) I can run it for a couple of minutes,(or even just run the oil pump with the primer?) stop it, take off the rocker covers and try to push the pushrods down. If the lifters are ok and filled with oil, I shouldn't be able to push them down, but if there's a problem, I will be able to push the pushrod/lifter down (fairly) easily.
Does that sound about right?
Thanks guys, hope you all had a great xmas and that we're all in for a more peaceful 2004
At over $6 per gallon, we must REALLY love our cars in the UK !
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