I was wondering hom much
oil you guys use when you change
oil?? I have a dual sup 5 quart ford pan. Thats 5 qts,
oil filter is 1 qt thats 6 quarts. How much oil actually drains out of the oil cooler and lines into the pan or filter adapter???? I wonder this since my dipstick is located int he timing chain cover (the rear sump location would be correct place but I have a oil temp sending unti there and its cleanly plumbed and wired so I want to leave it there) I will shorten and remark the dipstick when I know hom much oil is correct....What are you guys using as far as capicity with a 5qt pan, replacing oil filter and having an oil cooler? I figure most of the oil stays in the cooler and lines but wanted someone elses figures to be sure. With no cooler I would just change filters and mark the dipstick but the oil cooler makes me worried..if indeed much of the oil drains out. Appreciate your input