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Frozen Fillings
I was really needing to drive. Being off this weekend, and with the weather here in Upstate SC looking to be just gorgeous, i was itching to get out on the road. Friday night i was thinking about the possibilities, and then noted late last night something about a Cobra Convention at Whidby motors, the FFR folks up in Greensboro. So begged off from the Sat chores, and got permission from the Wife to be gone Sat, promising to catch up on the outdoor stuff after church on Sunday. Wanted to wash and wax the Great Stroker, but as luck would have it, got involved in a housecleaning project, and barely had time to wipe it down. So just after finishing up a lunch of tasty homemade Christmas cookies and cheese popcorn, and two Diet Cokes, tossed some longjohns and my camera into the SPF's trunk, and headed north, to meet up at the Olthoff's, about an hour away.
Arrived, driving under the warm SC sunshine, and as soon as i got there, they rolled out a sinister, black Superformance Coupe, and along with Larry M, another SPF driver, we headed north, with Bob's famly, visiting from SA, in a big SUV. One of Bob's friends rode shotgun with me, and i handed him my new Nikon, to shoot up a roll along the road. Following Dennis, driving the Coupe, we all headed up I-85. Traffic was cleared out pretty well, so with the Valentine vigilent on the dash, we tached it up. Several times, Dennis let the Roush Ponies in the Coupe run, and he could pull away from me at his ease. And my car is no tortise, either. The whole time my passenger had a big grin on his face, as we blasted by lesser motorcars, with an occasional doubleclutch and downshift just for fun. Ran past two HP's, but they must have been on some other mischief, as my detector picked up no scent. In one town, i was about to follow Dennis thru a rolling right turn at a red light, but noted at the last second a local sheriff right across the road, so slapped on the Wilwoods, waved at him, then continued my turn, obeying the red light.
Met up with the big group at a NASCAR cafe, where i ordered wings dipped in their hot sauce, which came delicious, but extradinarily hot, as if some joker in the kitchen had dipped them in battery acid or the like. My lips bled for awhile, took five more Diet Cokes to sooth my tonsils from the searing heat of the sauce. This stuff was not something i wanted to get into my eyes, as blindness would have ensued. I wished i had bought some surgical tools to eat with. But eventually, we climbed back in, latched up, and headed the few miles over the the event.
What a fine time we had. So many old friends, so many new acquaintenances, and so many fine cars, just about ever make represented. Jim M. had his 289 and 427 cars there, in a place of honor, by the lift. I'll let Earl fill you in later on the charity auction for Team Jenny.
As the door prizes were being given out, i crept off to the latrine (excuse me, bathroom), and slipped on the longjohns and donned all my layers of clothing for the cold 145 mile ride home; 7 layers, counting my skin. I knew it was going to be a cold run; the nite temps were dropping fast.
So at the conclusion, my passenger returning in the warm and toasty SUV, i followed Dennis again in his black Coupe, thinking that if Darth Vader drove a car, this would be it. We hammered it good coming home, as the cold slowly crept into my marrow. My hands got numb, and my forehead got that painful hurt like you get when you swallow icecream too fast, only it didn't go away. Pulled my scarf up under my nose, which unfortunatly ran like a faucet, as children's will do in the cold, and i couldn't reach my handkerchief. Flicked on the heater, and tried to warm my frozen hands, but did not realize until i got home that i had turned on the radiator fans, not the heater fan, so it didn't do me much good. Can't remember in the dark which toggle does what.
But as always the potent stroked Windsor ran like a charm, getting serious at 3000+ rpm, where everything just seems to smooth out. Flicked my lights as Dennis and Larry exited, and continued home, watching ever more closely my dropping fuel needle, but with it bouncing on empty, made Rock Hill, and just for fun, spun a donut in the Hooter's parking lot next to the gas station. Our little SC town has finally arrived, having a new Hooter's resturant.
Pulled into the garage right a midnight, yanked a Corona out of the fridge, scruffed up Abby, and came in for some pecan pie. Now off to bed, and to see if i can find a way to finally warm up. 330 fine miles today!!!
My thanks to the organizers of this now yearly event. All the best for '04!!
Hal Copple
Stroked SPF
"Daily Driver"
IV Corps 71-72, Gulf War