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I'm not speaking "against you" but truly understand your frustrations. I realize that these frustrations will worsen with each and every problem which are typical cobra nuances. I experienced similar problems with a Mercedes that was significantly more expensive than the CSX and in the end, dumped the car, at a loss, in frustration. You have a solution at your finger tips that might prevent a similar fate. It doesn't matter what marque one owns here because we're all part of the cobra family. Brent has provided an avenue to reslove your problems. Before you make a decision, give them a call and give them a chance. What happened yesterday is history, what happens tomorrow, is the future. You appear to have a good relationship with the Kirkhams who have a proto type now on ebay that's probably more advanced than any of our cars that could be your answer.
DDS/The First Edition
"In debates on ethically contentious issues, it is never wise nor polite to deride or belittle another person's delusion."