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The plan is to take I-5 down to Longview make a right and head for Astoria making as many stops along the way as needed and spend the first night in Lincoln or there about depending on room avalibilty.
The second night will be in Gold Beach.
Day three is planned for a jet boat trip up the Rogue River.
Day Four will be spent in the Redwoods,and return to Gold Beach
Day five we will take hiway 595 out of Gold Beach that will take us to Grants Pass and onto Medford and then into Bend.
Friday and Saturday in Bend and then back home on Sunday.
These plans are not in concret as I made two changes as I was typing this. I am open to all ideas but I really want to stay off the Freeways as much as possible, and keep from back tracking.
This is what I have on the Jet Boat trip.
With ten or more we can get the group rate.
64 mile Scenic trip Leave at 2:30 PM back at 8:00 PM dinner up river. $ 29.00 (cost of meal not included) By taking the PM trip it will give the LADIES time to shop in the AM.
I think if you were to talk to anyone that went on the trip last year you will hear that we made many stops and it wasn't a driving marathon, I hope to make this the same kind of Cobra vacation. My wife has the same tools as any other wife so I have learned to plan many stops.
If anyone has questions now is the time to start asking.
I will post the route when I have it complete.
Does that mean you are a YES for the trip.
Last edited by Fred Hamilton; 01-21-2004 at 07:16 PM..