Not Ranked wound up in math. Thats 1000 millibars - not 29.98. And, Lineslinger, as I posted before - jump the Amtrak with your son ( max 78 mph ) and come on over to KC.
We will put you in a 4.6L blown 289 Hybrid that's as fast as ANYTHING around. We'll show you 135 in THIRD gear and that's no pipedream, and the car will get you there so quickly you might begin to get woozy from the G's - and thats no BS either. Two guys have greyed out in the passenger seat. I'm one of them. If you really want to go faster, you're one brave soul.
This coming spring, when the pavement gets warm and we get rid of the Pilot Sports for the new F-1D Eagles AND we change the rear end to properly gear the car, it will REALLY be fast. Of course there's the second generation we now have - and its triple intercooled where Mod 1 is running ambient + some ....
Waaaaaaahooooooooooo!! Slap your cousin and hang on, Nelly! This car can be can be can be breathtaking....or it can be absolutely TERRIFYING. Come see us. Let us take you for a ride! Then you decide how big the car's cajones need to be for a match.
All the best to you across the miles....
Bob Lockett, Chief Operating Officer
PREMIER MotorSports, LLC