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Mr. Dickey:
Mr. Shelby's contribution to the racing and automobile world is "legendary"...
His crooked, lying, cheating, scamming ways are "legendary" also!
Mr. Shelby for the past three years has told everyone that will listen that he will put every "counterfeit" Cobra manufacturer out of buisness and everyone that owns one of these "counterfeit" Cobra's is stealing from him and his heart foundation.
Oh yeah, that by the way includes the Unique you own.
I don't think anyone on this forum wants to make Mr. Shelby out as a bad guy, he does it himself.
The problem is the people on this forum that want to make him out to be this innocent victim. No one cares that he makes alot of money, just how he does it.
Last edited by BANDIT 1; 01-08-2004 at 04:28 PM..