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OK, I need to clarify as Roger called my upset. The intention of the thread is not based on bashing Roger's car. In fact, I really liked what I saw when I went out to his shop. I was more interested in if other companies made a "fat boy" version or if this was about what all these cars ran size wise. I am just trying to see if a cobra is a viable thing for me to have. Honestly, I had never been in one until I sat in his and my first thought was, dang this is small. AND if this is one of the bigger ones, maybe a cobra is not a viable deal for me due to my size. Absolutely nothing negative concerning Roger's car..just the size of cobras in general concerned me. Roger keeps telling me to go sit in a bunch more of them and that I will see how small they run in general. everyone...I am not bashing Roger's car....please don't take it that way. Just looking for information about sizes of others.
My apologies to Roger for any misunderstanding