You'll find that the "Salisbury" Jag diff. has a lot in common with a Spicer-Dana 44. In point of fact it was made by Spicer as far as I know.
As to numbers, the tags on your diff. cover give part of the story as to ratio, which is done as tooth count on ring and tooth count on pinion. The elevation of the plug will tell you if it has a limited slip unit AKA "powr-lok" without pulling the cover. The extra tag should also say this while it specifies
oil type.
I had mine rebuilt because a flippin' amatur did it to start with. How do you know it needs rebuilt? Have you had it apart?
If not, don't just assume that it does. Pull the cover and look at the pattern on the ring gear. If the teeth are not chipped or show unusual wear and the pattern is even across the face of the tooth without any indentation, it is quite likely a-ok. Those units are pretty tough.
Now, If you feel play in the outboard axle bearings, those can be changed without full disassembly. If there is play in the pinion bearing and noticeable gear lash, it probably wouldn't hurt to get it done.
If you have not done this work before, I would strongly recommend finding an expert. The Salisbury-Dana's require the use of dial indicators and shims to properly set them up.
When I got mine done, I converted the ring and pinion to Dana 44 pieces which requires inserts in the carrier for the smaller ring gear bolts. Bearings were straight Dana after the conversion. (A lot cheaper than trying to get the Salisbury parts.)
Also by converting to Dana, there are many more ratios to choose from.
Find a really good rear end guy (no pun intended

and you'll probably find a full rebuild/conversion will run about $700 give or take.
Hope this helps a little.