Not Ranked
i''m not one of the original member...i joined a couple months ago, because i was bored with my '80 corvette, not so thrilled about a C5 (theyre gorgeous best friend lives for them, so please no one beat me up...just an opinion), and i wanted to learn about cobras because i've always loved them, but i don't know much about them.
I'm not a mechanic, i'm a computer programmer by trade. i love cars, and i love audio equipment. I don't intend to ever build a speaker from scratch, and i don't think i'll ever build a car either. I think this site is great in that people will answer my (often dumb) questions, and i can decide what car is right for me. I would read the brake thread, but frankly most of the shop talk stuff is over my head right now..i'm a quick study, so it won't always be that way.
my point is that if this site only had hardcore "guts" talk about the cars, it probably wouldn't interest me because i wouldn't know what the h*ll was being talked about most of the time. i'm glad it's out there, because i can potentially reference it one day when i need to, but i'm also glad there's "softer" talk about the cars as well.
I hope to be able to contribute more as i learn more, but to Turk's point, i'm someone who probably wouldn't have had much use for this site as you describe it in the beginning. Now i can join the community and probably have more of a "give and take" value as time goes on.
i think Brent and whomever else has brought the site to what it is has done a great service to people like myself. If you hardcore people don't think i'm worth having around, then i guess that's your opinion, which you're welcome to. you're also welcome to stick to the technical threads and ignore idiots like harm done.