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I just re-read through this thread. Sorry you are still having problems. By now I'm sure you have adjusted your accelerator pump correctly, 0.015" at WOT and moves as soon as the throttle opens. Do yourself a favor and richen up your mains a size or two. As Mr Fix-it previously stated if you try and run it too close to 14.7:1 you will have lean spots. When I was jetting my carbs with the A/F meter and approached 14.7/1 I experienced the same stumble you describe. Richened things up a bit and it all went away. As for your power valve that is not your problem. It's number depends on your engine. Measure your vacuum at idle and get a valve that opens 2-3 inches of mercury under that. That should put you in the ballpark. Later you can drive around with a vacuum gauge and size the valve 2 or so inches under a cruise or light acceleration. You don't want the valve opening till you put your foot in it a bit. Good luck and keep us up to date.