Originally posted by mrmustang
No offense to you or your company, but if your going to put an engine with that much power and torque in to a 2168lb Cobra, you beeter either hope the owner is an excellent driver of this type of vehicle, or add a line item for the body bag.............Far too many people ending up in the morgue last year from not having the experience to drive such a vehicle (without as much power).....Sorry to be a party pooper on this one, but a severe dose of reality is in order for your potential customer. At the very least for you, I highly suggest your corporate attorney draw up a disclaimer for you and your company...........
Bill S.
I wouldn't worry too much. It will just be another e-bay curiosity in about a year and a half. I'd go so far as to estimate 400 miles on it when it goes for sale. And the owner will know its' undrivable, but that won't be in the ad...